Hi Guys,
i want to protect only chosen columns in table because i have there formula and do not want user to change it.
But issue is that after protecting table column i can not add new rows to the table.
How to avoid the issue?
Hi Guys,
i want to protect only chosen columns in table because i have there formula and do not want user to change it.
But issue is that after protecting table column i can not add new rows to the table.
How to avoid the issue?
You can try using CF which will allow rows to be added, you might give it a try. It might help.
Last edited by PeteABC123; 01-06-2020 at 04:48 PM.
Hi Pete,
awesome solution. It can help me very much!
What does it meanas data validation?=""
It is exatly write for formula syntax in Excel or some kind workaround?
So in naturl Excel protected worksheeet it is not possible i think?
I tried to do this but i can not add new rows to the table.
"" means blank, i.e. no text. So when data validation is looking for "" or blank, anything that is entered is by definition NOT blank so it throws the error. If however a user just clicks on the cell and hits delete so the cell is in fact blank, it will not throw an error, because the validation of the data is correct.
There are always multiple ways to do something, when it doubt, drink a beer.
I do not care if you rep or not but please mark post as Solved if there is resolution so I stop going back and checking if anything else is needed.
Thank you TechRetard,
understood know.
Hi Guys,
for people with the same problem:
I created formula from link above and Excel converted it to blank place like in the screen above. Interesting but working
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