I had customised menus and buttons in Excel 2003, with referred macros stored in Personal.xls in the XLStart directory.
I recently (Nov2019) installed Excel 2013 and PERSONAL.XLSB appeared in the XLSTART directory and Personal.xls became PERSONAL.XLS.
I am able to run both XL2003 and XL2013, but when I run XL2003 my customised buttons have disappeared and the customised menus are empty.
If I remove the PERSONAL.XLSB file, the Personal.xls file does not get "opened", also "new macros" cannot be added and stored in the Personal Macro Workbook because "the Personal Macro Workbook in the startup folder must stay open for recording".
1) Alt-f11 gest me to the "usual" list of the macros
2) if I record a new macro in XL2003, the file that gets updated is PERSONAL.XLS.

How can I restore the XL2003 menu and toolbar "situation"?
Thanks in advance!