Hi all,
I recently bought a new laptop and I noticed in Excel that a cell stays in focus after I try to leave it with Tab/Enter (only when I typed a value or formula in that cell, not when I just move over it).
If for example I hit Tab to move to the next cell (which doesn't happen) and I hit Tab again Excel suddenly jumps forward two cells, so it did notice the first Tab.
Same goes for Enter. It's also not just hitting the same button twice that makes it move again, but also when I navigate around with the arrow keys or (Shift+)Tab or (Shift+)Enter.
I know that my new laptop is slower than my previous one, but if I don't do anything the cell seems to stay in focus for an indefinite amount of time, so to me it doesn't seem like a speed issue.
Does anyone recognize this issue and does anyone have an idea for a solution for this?
Do I have something set wrong in my settings?
Thanks in advance!