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Counting Values Until Number Reached, Then Returning Cells Counted

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  1. #1
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    Counting Values Until Number Reached, Then Returning Cells Counted


    I have been unable to locate, or maybe understand, how to construct a function such as this. I have a total list of quantities for items in column "A," and columns from "C" to "S" that count out projected items per day on a day-by-day basis. I would like Excel to start counting from left to right and see how many days it will take to reach the "Ordered Quantity" "A" by adding up the values inside those items-per-day columns. Returning the number of cells it needed to count to get that total value would be fine. Please see the attached document/screenshot for clarification; note that I have already filled in the "Days Worth" column partially manually to demonstrate what I am looking for, and also note that some of the values are rounded, which is why they might seem off (for example row 1 seems like it should be 9 days because of partial quantities). Thank you in advance!


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    Last edited by ExtraLarge; 10-07-2019 at 09:38 AM. Reason: Clarity and additional uploads

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Pepe Le Mokko's Avatar
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    Re: Counting Values Until Number Reached, Then Returning Cells Counted

    you have started this thread in the Outlook forum. Is there a reason why?

  3. #3
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    Re: Counting Values Until Number Reached, Then Returning Cells Counted

    No, sorry! I am obviously both new and not paying close enough attention; a dangerous combo. I will close and move it. Thank you, and sorry about that!

  4. #4
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    Re: Counting Values Until Number Reached, Then Returning Cells Counted

    Actually I don't appear to have an option to delete or move it. Is there something I can do or is that only a mod-approved action?

  5. #5
    Forum Expert Pepe Le Mokko's Avatar
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    Re: Counting Values Until Number Reached, Then Returning Cells Counted

    I'll move it for you, np.
    Perhaps also post a sample sheet instead of a picture so we can work on it ( click Go advanced - Manage attachments)

  6. #6
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    Re: Counting Values Until Number Reached, Then Returning Cells Counted

    Thank you on both counts, and will do!

  7. #7
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    Re: Counting Values Until Number Reached, Then Returning Cells Counted

    This proposal employs 17 helper columns (U:AK) which may be moved and/or hidden for aesthetic purposes.
    The helper columns are populated using: =ROUND(SUM($C2:C2),0)
    Column B is populated using: =IF(AK2<A2,"N/A",AGGREGATE(14,6,U$1:AK$1/(U2:AK2<A2),1)+1)
    This method matched the manually placed answers except for rows 8:9 (19 is beyond the range of days) and 17 (I believe the formulas are correct).
    Let us know if you have any questions.
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    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

  8. #8
    Forum Expert Alf's Avatar
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    Re: Counting Values Until Number Reached, Then Returning Cells Counted

    Just to see if I could solve this using a macro I had a go at it.

    Your setup is a bit peculiar as the values in range C2:S33 are numbers with decimal not integers. So to compensate for this I use the Round function as well as the condition
    test that the sum value of cells in a row should be equal to or grater than the corresponding value in the A column.

    If that condition is not fulfilled after looping through columns C to S the text "No match" is written in the B column.

    The range setting in the macro is dynamic as it will find the last row with values as well as the last used column so the range can be expanded and the macro will adjust to this.

    To test run macro "NumberOfDays"

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