Can you get a small sample in excel for us.
Are the keywords part of a longer text in the cell with that keyword?
is there any table like structure?
some general tips to get started:
- finding all locations for keywords can be done with Find (CTRL+F) type the keyword and choose find all to get a list of location under the search
- In Autofilter you can also type keywords and then filter those rows
- you can setup Conditional formatting for cells with (or without) a keyword using wildcards "*keyword*" to find it in a text.
- add columns for each keyword and use a countif to count the no of occurances in that row f.e.
=COUNTIF(A2:Z2;"*Non communal parking*")
and logicly if you have 26 columns and 10 have non communal parting then you can substract 10 from 26 to know that 16 cells are without that keyword on that row