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schedule creator with rotating overtime and shift limits

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    Post schedule creator with rotating overtime and shift limits

    Hello all. I am new to the whole forum world and would like to see if I could get some help with an excel sheet I am trying to make. It has two parts
    part one
    I need to make a 14 day schedule with three different shifts 7a-3p, 3p-11p, 11p-7a. in this sheet it should also have to total amount of each shift that is filled and what needs to be filled. For example on Sundays we need 4 staff in the morning and 4 staff in the evening. I am able to make a formula that calculates it and tells me per shift. However, when I add two shifts to a person the formula will only take one shift and not both. For example is YW 4 is schedule to work Sunday 7-3 it shoes up fine, but if they work a double 7a-3p and 3p-11p, the count in the shifts filled and OT needed are off.

    part two
    the OT sheet. I have tab with the OT sheet. Currently I have it where a third sheet titles employees has all the employees and which ever number is placed in the employee number cell is the name at the top of the list in the OT Sheet tab and it rotates. I just want to know if there is a simpler way of doing this with like a drop box of something. Sorry if all these questions have a simple answer. I am new to this and trying to teach myself excel in the process
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    Last edited by nolomcdc; 03-17-2019 at 09:16 PM.

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