I've used conditional formatting many times and this is the first time it hasn't worked as I expected.
I have three conditional colors that I want to apply across a row, from columns B to F, and I want to apply this coloring one row at a time to rows 15 to 145. I have a formula to determine which rows should, and should not, be colored.
The good news is that color appears on every row that should have color, and does not appear on every row that should not have color.
The bad news is that the color appears in only one column of each row that should be colored and not all of the columns from B to F. Two of the conditional coloring commands color only cells in column 'B' and one conditional coloring command colors only cells in column 'F'. However, to repeat, the proper color always appears in the proper row.
I used =$B$15:$F$145 to designate the area to which the formulas for conditional coloring should be applied.
Does anyone have an idea of what I've done wrong?
This has always worked fine before, so I'm very puzzled.