The issue appears to be in the conditional formatting formulas. You are not keeping the referenced columns absolute with $, so the comparisons are not working as you'd expect. For your "green" format, this is your formula:
=COUNTIFS('Input - Membership CSV File'!B$5:B$301,"="&C15,'Input - Membership CSV File'!I$5:I$301,"="&'Instructions and Scratch Pad'!B$123,'Input - Membership CSV File'!N$5:N$301,">="&TEXT('Instructions and Scratch Pad'!B$122-45,0))
I changed it to this, and it works:
=COUNTIFS('Input - Membership CSV File'!$B$5:$B$301,$C15,'Input - Membership CSV File'!$I$5:$I$301,'Instructions and Scratch Pad'!$B$123,'Input - Membership CSV File'!$N$5:$N$301,">=" & ('Instructions and Scratch Pad'!$B$122-45))
A similar change can be made to the "pink" formula. I recommend moving the green formula to the top of the conditional format rule list, and checking Stop if true checkbox for it. Your purple formula references column XFB throughout, so I'm really not sure what you're expecting there.