Hi All,
I am having trouble with some fractions data.
I have data in two columns formatted in the following way: Fraction (xx/xx) (eg. 114 1/2) and Text (e.g. Part Name XYZ)
I intend to use this data with the formula: [=A1&" "&B1] to display the contents of both Column A data and Column B data COMBINED into new Column C
--> I have also tried using formula [=CONCATENATE(A1," ",B1)] but this did not fix my problem at all
When I call the cells with the Fraction (xx/xx) data, Excel automatically converts the fraction to a decimal in the output. I am aware that this is because the "real" data of the Fraction cells is actually a decimal on the backend and the fraction I see is only for display.
So I assume what I need to do is first convert the FRACTION data to TEXT and then call that TEXT into my formula to have the Fraction display visually the same as the original cells containing the fractions xx/xx. However when I convert the Fraction (xx/xx) cells to Text cells, the data becomes the decimal not the text xx/xx! ARGH!
I basically want something like this to happen:
Cells in Column A contain data formatted as Fractions
Cells in Column B contain data formatted as Text
Cells in Column C contain the results of a formula to combine A and B data, displayed *exactly as they appear in the original cells*
For Example:
Column A Column B Column C 114 5/8 DH Corner Post 114 5/8" DH Corner Post
Can anyone suggest how I can either
1) Combine the cell's data with the fraction data *displaying as a fraction*
2) Convert the Fraction data to Text data that displays the text as fractions NOT the decimal equivalents
I have a LOT of this data that needs to be combined and displayed exactly as it originally appeared, so I have to figure out how to achieve this without needing to manually re-type every single fraction as text by hand! Please help!!![]()