Hi All

I have created a pivot table from source data which are number values. However the pivot is displaying zeros instead of the values I want it to from the source data. The source data field are formulae for example =conditioning_data!F2. Effectively I have created another sheet to simplify things for me from another sheet (namely 'conditioning_data). On that sheet, the formula which produces a value for me is similar to this:

=IF(J2="", "-", IF(J2<60, "1", IF(J2<=79, "2", IF(J2<=100, "3", IF(J2<=120, "4", IF(J2>120, "5"))))))

Is there a simple trick I can employ which will allow the string value that is returned to display in the pivot table? I have selected MAX on the pivot table, but it is still displaying the 0.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks
