Hi all,

I am currently struggling with the following issue and I can't seem to find anything fitting.

I have a spreadsheet, one table (named table 'LogTable') which I prefilled from a CSV. The table itself should contain the CSV contents (separated) in the first columns, the other columns are calculated.

Excel automatically creates four connections:
- Connection
- log1 (which points to the CSV, but says "Not used in this workbook"
- ThisWorkbookDataModel
- WorksheetConnection_Test.xlsx!LogTable

I would like to be able to change the CSV (which always has the same format), so the contents of the table get automatically updated.

Once I made it work, but I can't remember how. The workaround is bad, as it breaks my references in the caluclated cells:
- Convert to range
- Import CSV via Get External Data (which is greyed out if it is not a range)

Is this even something I can do?

Thanks for any hints,