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Best way to collect forecast data from countries ?

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noze2000 Best way to collect forecast... 11-03-2018, 03:39 AM
AliGW Re: Best way to collect... 11-03-2018, 03:57 AM
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    Best way to collect forecast data from countries ?

    [Edited re comment below - thanks!]

    So I have a forecast in excel for a number of countries.
    I would like to create a spreadsheet that allows other people update the forecast without managing the cells directly.

    i.e. see the forecast, enter correction in adjacent cells- and click "accept" to have VBA implement that new forecast as the current.


    Sub Accept_new_forecast()
    ' Macro4 Macro
    Dim new_forecast As Range
    Dim current_forecast As Range
    Dim cntr As Range
    ' what country is the new forecast in?
    cntr = Sheets("Input").Range("A21") ' why does this give an error?
    ' Set the full forecast (all countries)
    full_forecast = Sheets("Forecast").Range("t_forecast")
    ' set the range with the new forecast
    Set new_forecast = Sheets("Input").Range("B24:BC24")
     ' [find the row in full_forecast  to replace using the country in cntr]
     ' [replace the data cells in that row for each month with the new numbers in new_forecast range - but only for cells in new_forecast that are not empty - leave the rest as is]
     Sheets("input").new_forecast = "" ' clear the new_forecast cells after they have been accepted to current_forecast
    End Sub
    Sub clear_new_forecast()
    Set new_forecast = Sheets("Input").Range("B24:BC24")
    new_forecast.Value = ""
    End Sub
    Any help is appreciated
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    Last edited by noze2000; 11-04-2018 at 04:49 AM. Reason: Comment below - thanks!

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