are you saying that for 301 - 700 they get 3 then 701 - 1200 they get 6 or they get 9, 3 for the first 700 and 6 for those below 1200 but above 700? Because depending on the answer there are two different formulas and results.
this is one way for the first... =LOOKUP(A1,{0,301,701,1201,1801},{0,3,6,8,10})
but a sumproduct or something else like an adjustment to this lookup would be the formula for the second.
And, if you want to cover any issue with blanks then... =IF(A1="","",LOOKUP(A1,{0,301,701,1201,1801},{0,3,6,8,10}))
And in both instances point the formula to where your data is by changing A1 to your data.