I am using the formula: =COUNTIFS('Calcs # voting yrs & mail list '!S2:S23518,"="&"A",INDIRECT(" 'Calcs # voting yrs & mail list'"&A68),"<>"&"No Vote")

Where 'calcs # voting yrs & mail list contains columns and arrays I am looking at and counting.

The indirect function is looking at a cell ( a68) which is calculated by input into cell c67 with the values calculated as follows : =IFS(A67=2018,"!V2:V23518", A67=2017, "!W2:W23518", A67=2016,"!X2:X23518", A67=2015,"!Y2:Y23518", A67=2014,"!Z2:Z23518", A67=2013,"!AA2:AA23518", A67=2012,"!AB2:AB23518", A67=2011,"!AC2:AC23518", A67=2010,"!AD2:AD23518", A67=2009,"!AE2:AE23518", A67=2008,"!AE2:AE23518")

I'm trying to use the calculated cell A67 in the Indirect function above to reference and array and count anything in the array that does not = "no vote"

I keep getting a #REf error. I think it has something to do with the quotation marks not being interpreted properly in the indirect function. HELP please!!!