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I do not see any attempt to use or adapt the formula you said was working in your previous thread. Please do as much for yourself as you can first: don't expect us to start from scratch every time you slightly change your requirements. Thanks!
Hello Ali
Get where you're coming from. My bad from being too dependent on others. Ive tried to twist it around but I still cannot get it right. I'm pretty sure I've understood it wrongly. Here is the function that I've used:
1) If cell B2 contains - or blank, return NA. This is the logical test and return value if it is true.
2)lookup A2 to see the equipment plate no. This is the reference value to see where the ID no. belongs to
3) Array A to C is where I will find the values to match the ID no. to the equipment plate no
4) 1 is because I am referring back to the equipment plate no. to see if the ID nos matched
5) 0 is to attain exact match
6) = C2 is for excel to see if the ID no matched, is the same as the equipment plate no
Using this function would only return NA or false. Appreaciate if you can advise me on this. I would continue trying.