Hi There! I am in need of assistance with this job costing template that pulls information from certain columns on each worksheet (Quoted; Awarded & On Hold; In Progress; Completed) to update the Active Projects & All Projects worksheets. Each week, I pull the Job Profitability Summary Report from QuickBooks and paste that information into each worksheet according to the Job S
The formulas I have used do not pull the information unless it's all in the same column. For instance, Active Projects needs to find the job number/name (008022 Test Job) from In Progress worksheet which could be in any one of the columns B-E. This is the formula I have been using:
=SUMIF('In Progress'!E:E,'Active Projects'!C4,'In Progress'!F:F)+SUMIF('In Progress'!C:C,'Active Projects'!C4,'In Progress'!F:F)+SUMIF('In Progress'!D:D,'Active Projects'!C4,'In Progress'!F:F)+SUMIF('Awarded & On Hold'!D:D,'Active Projects'!C4,'Awarded & On Hold'!E:E)
Currently, this formula updates the Job Status (column A on Active Projects) based on the worksheet that it finds it on (In progress or Awarded & On Hold) and should update the Act. Cost (column G); Act Rev (column I); Margin % (column O), on the Active Projects worksheet but only pulls the correct information if it's all in the same column, which is a manual process because I have to move the jobs over to column E.
I would like to pull the same information onto the All Projects worksheet but I can't get the Active Projects worksheet to work. Please see the sample that I attached.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!![]()