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Unable to pull information from all columns based on what is in another worksheet

  1. #1
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    Unable to pull information from all columns based on what is in another worksheet

    Hi There! I am in need of assistance with this job costing template that pulls information from certain columns on each worksheet (Quoted; Awarded & On Hold; In Progress; Completed) to update the Active Projects & All Projects worksheets. Each week, I pull the Job Profitability Summary Report from QuickBooks and paste that information into each worksheet according to the Job S

    The formulas I have used do not pull the information unless it's all in the same column. For instance, Active Projects needs to find the job number/name (008022 Test Job) from In Progress worksheet which could be in any one of the columns B-E. This is the formula I have been using:

    =SUMIF('In Progress'!E:E,'Active Projects'!C4,'In Progress'!F:F)+SUMIF('In Progress'!C:C,'Active Projects'!C4,'In Progress'!F:F)+SUMIF('In Progress'!D:D,'Active Projects'!C4,'In Progress'!F:F)+SUMIF('Awarded & On Hold'!D:D,'Active Projects'!C4,'Awarded & On Hold'!E:E)

    Currently, this formula updates the Job Status (column A on Active Projects) based on the worksheet that it finds it on (In progress or Awarded & On Hold) and should update the Act. Cost (column G); Act Rev (column I); Margin % (column O), on the Active Projects worksheet but only pulls the correct information if it's all in the same column, which is a manual process because I have to move the jobs over to column E.

    I would like to pull the same information onto the All Projects worksheet but I can't get the Active Projects worksheet to work. Please see the sample that I attached.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
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  2. #2
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Unable to pull information from all columns based on what is in another worksheet

    Is there anything wrong here? The only problem seems to be that none of these (the only ones with data):
    008022 Test Job
    R00426 Test Job
    J00160 Test Job

    appear on your list of active projects....
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  3. #3
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    Re: Unable to pull information from all columns based on what is in another worksheet

    Sorry, I must have attached the wrong one as there should have been 4. Please see attached.
    These for should be pulling all the information from the In Progress worksheet
    008022 Test Job
    R00426 Test Job
    J00160 Test Job

    This one should be pulling from the Awarded & On Hold worksheet:
    008001 Test Job

    You will note 008022 does not pull over any information.
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  4. #4
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: Unable to pull information from all columns based on what is in another worksheet

    In C4, there is a trailing space. Kill it. Should be "008022 Test Job" and not "008022 Test Job "

    what's the problem with 008001 Test Job??

  5. #5
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    Re: Unable to pull information from all columns based on what is in another worksheet

    I wanted to thank you for reviewing that for me! I feel silly that is was just a space but at least everything works now.

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