Hello Excel friends
I'm tring do dispaly the animals from vertical to orizontal, as you can see from the image I've the original data in colum A and I need to showup like in columw C,D,E,F,G
Thank you for your help
A B C D E F G 1 ListEmploy 1 Employ 2 Employ 3 Employ 4 Employ 5 2Employ 1 dog badger bullock fox mammoth 3dog cat bat camel gazelle marmot 4cat armadillo bear chimpanzee gerbil mink 5armadillo beaver dachshund giraffe mole 6Employ 2 goat mongoose 7badger grizzly bear mouse 8bat guinea pig mule 9bear hamster 10beaver hare 11Employ 3 12bullock 13camel 14chimpanzee 15dachshund 16Employ 4 17fox 18gazelle 19gerbil 20giraffe 21goat 22grizzly bear 23guinea pig 24hamster 25hare 26Employ 5 27mammoth 28marmot 29mink 30mole 31mongoose 32mouse 33mule