Can't really find the correct format to display
ABC12345 as ABC 1234 5
So if I enter ABC12345, without any space character, Excel automatically displays ABC 1234 5.
Can't really find the correct format to display
ABC12345 as ABC 1234 5
So if I enter ABC12345, without any space character, Excel automatically displays ABC 1234 5.
if you want it done automatically and in the same cell you are probably going to need VBA. If you want it done by formula in another cell then this would work...
=LEFT(A1,3)&" "&MID(A1,4,4)&" "&RIGHT(A1,1)
it assumes all your data will be the same length
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Sam Capricci
Thanks Sabo kid.
Got a suggestion how to do this using VBA?
Sorry, I don't have the VBA skills. someone might come along with them to help though asking a moderator to move this post to the VBA area of the forum could get you the help faster.
Is the text ALWAYS ABC? Are there always 5 digits after it? Please provide a more representative selection of samples.
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Letters at front are not always the same.
Always 6+1 numbers after it.
My example was just random.
CLXU 451155 7
CLDU 969989 8
FMBU 003078 2
FMBU 003561 3
CLDU 962708 8
FMBU 008677 6
Try this
Enter in B1 and copy down
=REPLACE( REPLACE(A1,MIN(FIND({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},A1&1/17)),," "),LEN(A1)+1,," ")
v A B 1 CLXU4511557 CLXU 451155 7 2 CLDU9699898 CLDU 969989 8 3 FMBU0030782 FMBU 003078 2 4 FMBU0035613 FMBU 003561 3 5 CLDU9627088 CLDU 962708 8 6 FMBU0086776 FMBU 008677 6
If you like my answer please click on * Add Reputation
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--Michel de Montaigne
Wow thanks AlKey!
Just as reference, sample vba solution.
Sub Demo() Dim cel As Range Dim rng As Range Set rng = Selection 'Change as needed With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") .Global = True .Pattern = "([A-Z]*)(\d{6})(\d{1})" For Each cel In rng.Cells If .test(cel.Value) Then Set matches = .Execute(cel.Value) For i = 0 To 2 res = IIf(Len(res) = 0, matches(0).Submatches(i), res & " " & matches(0).Submatches(i)) Next cel.Value = res res = "" End If Next End With End Sub
"Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something."
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