Forum Rules
Please read and adhere to these simple rules!
1. Title must briefly summarize your request. (A, Z)
2. Programming code must be enclosed in code tags to improve readability. (A, Z)
(or use the # button)
3. Questions that are cross-posted to other web forums must contain links to those posts on those forums or a comment to tell us where else the question has been asked. (A, Z*)
4. Do not post a new help request in an existing thread. (B)
5. Do not open more than ONE thread per issue here. Expect duplicates to be closed. (B)
6. Do not post to threads where a moderator is addressing a rule violation. (B, C, Z*)
7. Do not inquire about breaking the security of a protected workbook. (B, E)
8. Do not private message forum moderators or members for Excel help. (A, Z)
9. Abusive language or insults will not be tolerated. (B, Z)
10. Do not put links to commercial sites or services or to competing forums in signatures and posts. (A, B)
11. Do not put links to personal sites or services as your sole contribution here on the forum. (B)
12. Do not solicit payments in your posts or signatures. (B)
13. Only give reps to members who earned them, not just for something trivial like an acknowledgment. (B, F)