Hi guys,

I need to create a list in order based on data from somewhere else in the spreadsheet.

For example, in A1:A3 I have 2, 1, 3 and in B1:B3 I have Adam, John, Peter. I need the names listed in order from highest to lowest. So I need these listed somewhere else as Peter, Adam, John. However, I can't simply sort these data because they're linked elsewhere.

I used this formula which got me close: {=VLOOKUP(LARGE(A1:A3,1),A1:B3,2,0)}

This gave me what I wanted, but in the real data I have duplicate numbers. So I need to have a VLOOKUP that lists duplicates. So if Peter and Adam both had values of 3, I need them to list as either Adam, Peter, John or Peter, Adam, John (either way is fine).

I had this formula somewhere else which didn't use duplicate numbers: =LARGE(IF(C3:C36<>"",IF(MATCH(C3:C36,C3:C36,0)=ROW(C3:C36)-ROW(C3)+1,C3:C36)),2)

Not sure how to apply this to new purpose.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.