Need a date diff but not just days DD/MM/YY format.
Can only find a days difrence
Need a date diff but not just days DD/MM/YY format.
Can only find a days difrence
Last edited by AliGW; 09-09-2018 at 06:08 AM.
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will show the number of months and "y" instead of "m" the number of years.
Richard Buttrey
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So you want something like this?
=DATEDIF(A1,A2,"y")&" years "&DATEDIF(A1,A2,"ym")&" months "&DATEDIF(A1,A2,"md")&" days"
Which will give lapsed time (age) in years, months and days.
The order of the 3 datedifs can be changed as needed.
Last edited by jason.b75; 09-10-2018 at 03:15 AM.
But how about this?
Not with a single function.
If you want the result in that format, change " years " to "," etc.
Need a date diff but not just days DD/MM/YY format.You've had a lot of answers but it looks to me like you are misunderstanding the datdif function (or any date where you are showing the difference between two dates).Need a date diff but not just days DD/MM/YY format.
the datdif function will show you either years, months, days or years and months or years and days that are the difference between two dates.
So if the date dif was 47 days how would showing it as 02/16/1900 give you any understanding of the answer? You can throw a text function into the formula like =text(dated(B1,A1,"d"),"dd/mm/yy") but it will show a (for example) difference of 47 days as 16/02/00 which doesn't make sense.
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Sam Capricci
Yes Jose, that occurred to me after I posted and while out jogging that maybe what otuatail was wanting, and I have a canned one already I use for similar purposes.
=DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"y")&" years, "&DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"ym")&" months, "&DATEDIF(A1,TODAY(),"md")&" days" which will give similar results to yours like...22 years, 8 months, 0 days for example.![]()
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