That title is a mouthful.
I think this may be an extreme nested if, or I could have the results in a matrix and pick the right-most column with a non-blank value.
If you look at the table below:
Ok apparently the table insert on this forum is nowhere near as sophisticated as on Mr.Excel...
I have a list of paper names down A, a list of template sizes down B and in C I want to have the ideal type of advert to run for each template in each paper.
Here's where things get juicy - different template sizes and the frequency a paper is selected determines the type of advert to run.
Below is the ruleset:
- Each Advert should default to "UK"
- If there are two papers in a week, one should be UK and the other should be EU
- Promo sizes are 16x9 and 17x6 and must be "Promo"
- Unless there has already been a promo, in which case make it UK
- Also, there can only be one EU per week
Anyone got any ideas for this? I'm stumped on how to make EU appear only once, everything else I have down as an independent rule in a matrix and my plan is to grab the rightmost non-blank cell of each row
The post is at the following:
on the Mr excel forum.