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Summary/Report sheet for an annual leave/attendance register

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  1. #1
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    Summary/Report sheet for an annual leave/attendance register

    Good morning,

    I was hoping I could get some advice on how to create a summary sheet for an annual leave/attendance register.

    The register itself currently calculates; total staff in, total staff off, total staff and attendance for each day. It then calculates the weekly average. It formats to red when below 77%.

    I would like the summary sheet to show weekly attendence % when you enter the week commencing date, I tried to reference the relevent cell but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm also hoping to be able to pull specific staff memebers details (either daily or weekly attendence) by selecting their name from a drop down list (cell A8).

    I have heard that a pivot table could be used in this regard however I have been unable to get one to work. Is this possible with a formula instead?

    Any help you can give would be appreciated. I have attached an example of the spreadsheet.
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  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Summary/Report sheet for an annual leave/attendance register

    Hi, welcome to the forum

    I see your thread has 154+ views and no responses This tells me that members are not really sure what you want (dont know why they didnt ask)

    I will see how far I can get on this for you.

    1. Try and avoid the use of merged cells, they cause problems with forumlas
    2. Perhaps if you included some expected answers, it would help, too
    3. It looks like you have all your CF rules in twice? (probably from copy/paste?)
    4. What codes count towards attendance?
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  3. #3
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    Re: Summary/Report sheet for an annual leave/attendance register


    Thanks for replying.

    I honestly have no idea why the CF rules are in twice but I can fix that fairly easily.

    I have amended the spreadsheet to give an idea of what I'm hoping to be able to do.

    On the summary sheet I'm want to be able to select a member of staff from the drop down list in cell A8, in cell B8 select a date and then in Cell C8 it should show the staff members status on that date; eg. 'In', 'A/L etc.

    I would also like to be able to select a particular week or even month and see the average% attendance; but I have no idea where to start. For example if the month or week was entered in cell A2 or A5 it should give the result in B2 or B5.

    I've included the list of which codes count towards what on the summary sheet.

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  4. #4
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Summary/Report sheet for an annual leave/attendance register

    Much better, thanks

    Try this...
    =INDEX('Shift 1'!C6:AI65,MATCH(Summary!$A$8,FTAOEStaff,0),MATCH(Summary!$B$8,'Shift 1'!$C$5:$AI$5,0))

    The % you want (for either week or month), would that be for the individual selected in A8, or for all members?

  5. #5
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    Re: Summary/Report sheet for an annual leave/attendance register

    That's amazing thank you!

    The weekly or monthly % was going to be for all staff (to check if a member of staff can book any time off) but if it's possible to do it for the individual as well that would be great.

  6. #6
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Summary/Report sheet for an annual leave/attendance register

    This will count the "attended" for the staff member in A8 for the week entered
    =SUM(COUNTIFS(INDEX('Shift 1'!C6:AI165,MATCH($A$8,'Shift 1'!A6:A65,0),),{"In","BH","DD","Deputy","Mentoring","Meeting","NWD","Training"},'Shift 1'!$C$5:$AI$5,">="&Summary!A2,'Shift 1'!$C$5:$AI$5,"<="&Summary!A2+5))

    If you use real months instead of just the word (you can format it to just show "Jan", then you could use the same approach for the month total

    Im guessing that for the %, you would just divide my formula by 5?

  7. #7
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    Re: Summary/Report sheet for an annual leave/attendance register

    Seems to work fine but it turns out I didn't need to include details about the individual. The overall % for week and month are all we need.

    You've been a great help here, thank you!

  8. #8
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Summary/Report sheet for an annual leave/attendance register

    Happy to help

    I havnt opened your file again, but I seem to recall you had a summary with % at the bottom of your table - could you pull the total % from that?
    Either that, or try removing the reference to a name from my formula?

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