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Non-volatile alternative to SUMIFS(INDIRECT()) formulas

  1. #1
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    Non-volatile alternative to SUMIFS(INDIRECT()) formulas


    I'm looking for any suggestions on how to optimize a workbook that is heavily dependent on volatile functions (it's incredibly painful to work on this file, it runs very slow).


    All data is contained within the same workbook (no external links / references).

    Tab CalcSheet is where the majority of my formulas are located (think of it as a summary output & control tab).

    Within CalcSheet:

    Column I contains several dates, starting in I8. The current date range goes from I8:I3000 (ascending order), for context.

    Column K contains the sum of the values in L:AI. For example, K8=SUM(L8:AI8).

    The issue seems to come from the formulas in L8:AI3000, and this is where I could use help!

    For example:


    - I8 is a lookup value (a date, as described above).

    - D6 is a cutoff date.

    - L6 contains the name of the tab within the same workbook where the data is located. These names vary per column and were hardcoded in L:AI. For example, L6=DataSheet1, M6=DataSheet2, N6=DataSheet3, etc.

    - "IT" is the column reference for the DataSheets where the data I want to sum-up is located.

    - L4 contains the row number where the target range begins. The formulas in L4:AI4 were entered manually. For example, L4=ROW('DataSheet1'!$IT$33), M4=ROW('DataSheet2'!$IT$33), N4=ROW('DataSheet3'!$IT$33), etc. Note that the target range always starts in row 33 in the DataSheets.

    - L5 contains the row number where the target range ends. Again, these were all entered manually as ROW formulas, however, the last row for the target range is unique to each DataSheet. As such, I had to manually find and link the last row for each ROW formula in L5:AI5. Furthermore, these formulas will need to be continuously adjusted as each DataSheet will be continuously updated with new data.

    - "B" is the column reference for the DataSheets where dates are located. You will notice that these are tested against values in column I in CalcSheet.

    Any ideas? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Non-volatile alternative to SUMIFS(INDIRECT()) formulas

    Hi, welcome to the forum

    To best describe or illustrate your problem you would be better off attaching a dummy workbook. The workbook should contain the same structure and some dummy data of the same type as the type you have in your real workbook - so, if a cell contains numbers & letters in this format abc-123 then that should be reflected in the dummy workbook.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Non-volatile alternative to SUMIFS(INDIRECT()) formulas

    Excellent point. I've attached a dummy workbook to this reply, as suggested. Thank you!!
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by AliGW; 08-27-2018 at 10:54 AM.

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    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Non-volatile alternative to SUMIFS(INDIRECT()) formulas

    Why do you have the row numbers defined at the top? What is the purpose of that? I don't mean how it fits into the formula - I am asking why you are doing it that way. Surely a SUMIFS range set long enough for any eventuality would suffice:

    Last edited by AliGW; 08-27-2018 at 11:07 AM.

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    Re: Non-volatile alternative to SUMIFS(INDIRECT()) formulas

    Thanks, Ali!

    The row numbers on top are used to define the lookup ranges, which very for each of the DataSheets (I'm working with 24 DataSheets currently). If I set them to a generic range, say, $IT$33:$IT$3000, I might eventually run into issues (double counting, maybe errors due to text, etc.)

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Non-volatile alternative to SUMIFS(INDIRECT()) formulas

    Why would you run into such errors? Why would the data layout differ from one dataset sheet to the next? Why do you need the separate datasheets anyway?

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  7. #7
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Non-volatile alternative to SUMIFS(INDIRECT()) formulas

    Hi plsexcelhelp and welcome to the forum,

    Because you are using Excel 2016, you have Get & Transform (used to be called Power Query) built into your version. I think you are trying to roll your 5 data sheets into a single table and amount. See the attached where PQ does this for you. I first saved your Dummy file (must be a saved file) then click on Data Tab and "From File". After removing nulls in Col2 only data is left on each sheet. The append the data together and I did a Pivot Table grouped by dates. I think this is what you are working towards. See the attached. Start learning Power Query?

    Dummy workbook Power Query and Pivot Table.xlsx
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  8. #8
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    Re: Non-volatile alternative to SUMIFS(INDIRECT()) formulas

    AliGW -

    I need to separate the DataSheets as each corresponds to an individual "Subject", and there's more than just raw data in these DataSheets.

    What starts in row 33 in all of them is cash flow (CF) data. For example, I might have 100 CF entries for DataSheet 1 and 1500 for DataSheet 2.

    Furthermore, underneath the CF data entry for each DataSheet, there might be financial modeling / calculations that are individual to each of the "Subjects". I can't standardize them all, unfortunately.
    Last edited by plsexcelhelp; 08-27-2018 at 11:37 AM. Reason: Adding name to answer

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