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Creating Dependent or Cascading Drop Downs

  1. #1
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    MS Office 2016

    Creating Dependent or Cascading Drop Downs

    I am currently editing a workbook that will be used by multiple people. I want to limit user error so I need to create some rules within the drop downs that limit the number of choices depending on how they select the first two columns. For Instance, my first column has 5 choices. My second column will have anywhere from 1 to 4 choices, depending on first columns choice. My third column will be dependent on the first two choices. It could have 8 choices available in column 3 or just one choice. Further, if columns 1,2,3 have a particular set of values in them, then columns 4-6 are limited to one choice as well. Is there any way to do this? I feel like some of the formulas I know for Indirect and Substitute may work but I feel I will have to spend a lot of time to build out many name lists for this to work properly.

  2. #2
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    Re: Creating Dependent or Cascading Drop Downs

    Have a look here https://www.contextures.com/xlDataVal02.html

  3. #3
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    Re: Creating Dependent or Cascading Drop Downs

    Thank you. I have been reviewing that site as well as creating Excel Data Validation tables but I feel they are falling short of what I need. I don't have the knowledge to create a dynamic formula that will fill the role I need. I have already created a drop down in Column A that is program and a named range for that is listed in the source field. Column B is program type and has dependent drop downs for what is entered in Column A. Column C is carrier, Column D is carrier plan, Column E is contract type, Column F is Reimbursement Type, and Column G is Par Flag. I have multiple choices in these columns that is a basic drop down list which is open to user error. However, I want to keep these open drop down choices, except in instances where there are required choices based on previous columns Here are the rules I am trying to solve for:

    1. Program: Commercial and Program: Exchange should never have N/A in any column with the exception of Program:Commercial - Program Type:Other.
    2. Program: Medicare - Program Type: Traditional should always have Carrier as government and remaining columns should be N/A
    3. Program: Medicaid - Program Type: Traditional should always have Carrier as Government, free text Medicaid followed by state symbol in Carrier Type column and remaining columns should always be N/A
    4. Self Pay should always be Program: Other - Program Type: Self Pay and remaining columns should be N/A
    5. If Program: Other - Program Type: Other is selected, remaining columns should always be N/A
    6. Any government carrier should always be N/A for Par Flag.

    Is there a way to create a dynamic formula for drop downs that would allow for selections and limit drop downs in these specific scenarios. Everything I think of would fulfill one rule, while failing in other rules. I can't think of an extensive IF function or other way to set this up that would encompass all of this.

    Thank you for any insight that can be given.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Creating Dependent or Cascading Drop Downs

    Hello Draco119 and Welcome to Excel Forum.
    Five columns of dependent drop downs is a pretty daunting task. I assume that you have asked about/looked for similar software that is already in use by (medical) providers so as not to reinvent the wheel.
    In order to help I feel that we would need to see a sample of the spreadsheet (we would be guessing as to the values that fill in the named ranges otherwise).
    To upload a sample workbook (not a picture or pasted copy) click on the GO ADVANCED button below the Quick Reply window and then scroll down to Manage Attachments to open the upload window. Remember to desensitize the data (if any).
    Let us know if you have any questions.
    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

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