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Excel: Filling one table with data from another table

  1. #1
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    Excel: Filling one table with data from another table

    Hello everyone,

    I have a question and hope you could help me

    Let me explain my situation and what i need to achieve.

    So, i have a table "X" which is populated daily with new entries with many data in eache column(client name, client id, client adress, order date, ordered product, prodouct details, delivery date, invoice date etc). In onother table"Y" i want that some of the colomns data entered in table "X" to be automatically filled. i mean that every time i enter a row in table x to be automatically filled in table y. The colomns position is not the same in table x and table y. In table y i need only (Client name,client adress, order date, delivery date, ordered product, product details).

    Is there anyaw to do this without needing VBA because i am not very good at it

    Thank youn in advance for your help !

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Excel: Filling one table with data from another table

    Yes, you could do this with a few formulae, but it would help if you attached a sample Excel workbook.

    To do this, click on Go Advanced (below the Edit Window) while you are composing a reply, then scroll down to and click on Manage Attachments and the Upload window will open. Click on Browse and navigate to (and double-click) the file icon that you want to attach, then click on Upload and then on Close this Window to return to the Edit window. When you have finished composing your post, click on Submit Post. Don't try to use the Paperclip icon (Attachments button) as this does not work on this forum.

    Hope this helps.


  3. #3
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    Re: Excel: Filling one table with data from another table

    Quote Originally Posted by EREX View Post
    Is there anyaw to do this without needing VBA because i am not very good at it
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete_UK View Post
    Yes, you could do this with a few formulae
    Id point out that while it potentially can be done with a formula, the real question is should it be.

    The key point here is formulas do NOT create new rows. They either exist in a cell or do not. That means to accomplish what you are asking the formulas on Table Y would need to be filled past the point they return valid results, leaving formulas to in the future return the new entries from Table X. The problem with this is the overhead. The further you fill this formula the more demanding/longer it will take to calculate. If you dont fill it far enough you miss results, if you fill it too far you can potentially bog down the file making it slow and unstable.

    You may find that the file is small enough and the additional formulas filled down are ok for your needs, which is fine.

    VBA would give you the flexibility to determine when and how you move content around. Manually or automatically run at a given or under certain circumstances (like when saving). Its also likely to have less of a performance impact then filling the formula way down as the formula would impact performance at any recalculation (basically any change you make to the sheet/cell contents) whereas the macro would only impact when it is ran (and thus expected).

    It would be much easier to provide advice with a sample file
    Ways to get help: Post clear questions, explain your overall goal, supply as much background as possible, respond to questions asked of you by those trying to help and post sample(s) files.

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  4. #4
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    Re: Excel: Filling one table with data from another table

    Hello Here is the Sample of the file.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Excel: Filling one table with data from another table

    Hello Zer0Cool.

    Thanks for your reply. Well for the moment the amount of informations and the formulas i will be using are not significant enough that it will impact the speed of the file. with the time i might consider doing it with VBA but as i said above i am not very good at it thats why i asked if there was a way to do it with formulas. I posted a sample of the workbook to help and give an idea of what i want to achieve.


  6. #6
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Excel: Filling one table with data from another table

    Your file shows 9 records in the Data-X sheet, but only 6 in the Analyse sheet.

    Do you want to copy all the records into the second sheet (with a reduced number of fields, and in a different order), or is there some condition that you want to apply, to have a reduced number of records?


  7. #7
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    Re: Excel: Filling one table with data from another table


    In Sheet Y it is a reduced number of data (rows) because i just wanted to give an idea of what i wanted to achieve and the relations between the columns in sheet X and sheet Y.

    What i want is to copy all rows automatically to sheet Y based on the relationship between columns. Every time there is a new entrie in sheet x the data is to be copied/entered to sheet y automatically.

    Sheet X is database for sold products and sheet y i will use to make a profitability analyses based on product and sale conditions.

    i dont know if i was clear enough.

  8. #8
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    Re: Excel: Filling one table with data from another table

    Perhaps this will help.
    1) Convert the range of Data on the Data - X sheet into a table: Ctrl + t
    Note that I had to copy the first 10 rows of data to another sheet (Data) as I got a message that some type of filtering is applied to the Data - X sheet.
    2) Set up a pivot table like the one started on the PT sheet.
    In this manner you can update the table of data by selecting cell AK10 and pressing the tab key. You can then update the pivot table by selecting 'Refresh' from the PivotTable Tools > Options tab.
    Let us know if you have any questions.
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    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

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