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Create Drop Down List w/ Password Protected Options

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  1. #1
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    Create Drop Down List w/ Password Protected Options

    I am trying to make a form for work that many different employees will have access to and have to sign off on certain tasks. I am able to make a drop down list with each employees name but want to be able to password protect each name so that when it is selected from the drop down list, you are prompted to provide a password before the selection can be made.

    This old thread (link below) explains exactly what I'm trying to achieve however, I am not familiar with coding at all and after trying several times to use the code a user posted in the thread, I have not had success.

    Can someone explain to me how to use the code in a macro? I tried to do a little research on coding in Excel, but with no luck. If someone could dumb this down for me and use the workbook in the original thread to explain, I would greatly appreciate it. Once I understand how it works, I'm confident I'll be able to apply it to my own workbooks.



  2. #2
    Forum Expert PaulM100's Avatar
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    Re: Create Drop Down List w/ Password Protected Options

    The entire code goes into the Worksheet module. Right click on the Sheet - View Code. This type of macro fires automatically. For each option in the dropdown, a password has been added(in red)
    Const Mike As String = "Mike1"
    Range B7 is the dropdown and were the paswword rules should apply.
    pwd = Application.InputBox("Password for " & cell & ":", _
                        "Enter Password", Type:=2)
    This opens the input box to write the password.
    Finally, this part deals with wrong passwords. If the password is incorrect, it won't give the user access.
     Case "Mike"
                    If pwd <> Mike Then Oops = True
                Case "Bob"
                    If pwd <> Bob Then Oops = True
                Case "Alan"
                    If pwd <> Alan Then Oops = True
                Case "Pete"
                    If pwd <> Pete Then Oops = True
            End Select
            If Oops Then
                MsgBox "Bad password"
                cell = ""
            End If
    But you will need to password protect the codes as well.
    You can upload a sample file if you need more help.
    Last edited by PaulM100; 07-16-2018 at 08:58 AM.
    Click the * to say thanks.

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