I have a formula that I got some help on earlier today. It works great it the test workbook that I made, but when I went to apply it to this workbook that I’m actually working on, I’m running into issues. I’ve been trying to modify it but I can’t seem to get it to work for me, so here I am.

The workbook is laid out as follows: Column F is identical to Column O on Sheet 1. I’m placing the formula in E2 and it’s supposed to reference Column A of Sheet 2 and populate it with the data from Column B from Sheet 2. There will be blanks.

Recapping; Look at column F or O on Sheet 1, cross reference with Column A on Sheet 2, fill column E on Sheet 1 with data from Column B on Sheet 2. Formula is below. Workbook is attached. Would greatly appreciate any help with this. Tks.
