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Excel & Sharepoint - feeding data from 3 workbooks to one master

  1. #1
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    Excel & Sharepoint - feeding data from 3 workbooks to one master

    Good afternoon,

    I'm working on a project at work currently and I've hit somewhat of a brick wall,

    I have managed to set up a master sheet that takes the data from 3 separate workbooks and transfers it into a master sheet. This master sheet then collates all 3 tables into one large table.
    To do this I have used the Power query function on Excel.

    However I've stumbled across a problem that when a user other than myself attempts to use this file it gives me an error.

    It would appear that it's trying to either reference a point on my local drive (This was all created/worked on via sharepoint) or it's trying to reference my credentials on sharepoint.

    Does anyone know how to get around this?

  2. #2
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    Re: Excel & Sharepoint - feeding data from 3 workbooks to one master

    User should change the path to the files
    PQ Editor - Home - Data source settings - Change source
    then Refresh

  3. #3
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    Re: Excel & Sharepoint - feeding data from 3 workbooks to one master

    Would that mean each user of the "Master sheet" would have to change source? the people using this sheet aren't exactly well versed with excel related work hence myself having to set this up
    is there a better way to do it rather than using data query that involves formula's that can read from the closed sheet? or have I already used the best option?

  4. #4
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    Re: Excel & Sharepoint - feeding data from 3 workbooks to one master

    Without seeing file(s) and access to your SP i can say: define one common path, like: C:\SP\your files here and tell them to create SP folder directly on C drive,
    or define parameters for all users with their paths. I don't know how they get access to your SP (maybe login or something).

    to me PQ is the best

    SharePoint Folder
    Last edited by sandy666; 06-07-2018 at 08:24 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Excel & Sharepoint - feeding data from 3 workbooks to one master

    I'd love to share the files to enable a better understanding of the issue, however it contains personal details which would probably be a breach of GDPR

    the error that appears when another user opens is as followed [DataSourceEror] Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\my.name/business.name\sharepoint-area\folder\filename.xlsm'

    In terms of accessing Sharepoint it's generally done by going to the sharepoint link - logging in using our work provided email addresses or by logging in and syncing the files first and then going from there via file explorer

  6. #6
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    Re: Excel & Sharepoint - feeding data from 3 workbooks to one master

    So I think you need to define file for user(s) with their path (url) and access (mail) and send them
    Your file contain local path which is useless for them.
    Because you are an owner, you can change / get data from local drive, users - can't

    after sync files
    they can get access to these files from local drive with defined path by you as I mentioned above: local_path\folder_with_files\files
    Last edited by sandy666; 06-07-2018 at 08:39 AM.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert CK76's Avatar
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    Re: Excel & Sharepoint - feeding data from 3 workbooks to one master

    It looks like your issue is that the path being used is your local folder (synched with SharePoint perhaps). Other users will not have access to that path.
    They can set it to their own synched folder path.

    But I'd recommend connecting to cloud Sharepoint folder (assuming SharePoint online).

    Use Query from Web in PQ to connect to OneDrive/SharePoint (works the same way). Make sure you set up appropriate share policy on the folder/file.

    Easiest way to get the path is to upload file to OneDrive, open, edit in Excel. Go to File menu in Excel, and right click on the file name. Copy path to clipboard.
    Remove "?web=1" from the path.
    Source should look like...
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    Then each user can use their own credential to login to MS account and query file(s).
    "Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something."
    ― Robert A. Heinlein

  8. #8
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    Re: Excel & Sharepoint - feeding data from 3 workbooks to one master

    I need to go so I'll leave you in a good hands of CK76

  9. #9
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    Re: Excel & Sharepoint - feeding data from 3 workbooks to one master

    Quote Originally Posted by CK76 View Post
    It looks like your issue is that the path being used is your local folder (synched with SharePoint perhaps). Other users will not have access to that path.
    They can set it to their own synched folder path.

    But I'd recommend connecting to cloud Sharepoint folder (assuming SharePoint online).

    Use Query from Web in PQ to connect to OneDrive/SharePoint (works the same way). Make sure you set up appropriate share policy on the folder/file.

    Easiest way to get the path is to upload file to OneDrive, open, edit in Excel. Go to File menu in Excel, and right click on the file name. Copy path to clipboard.
    Remove "?web=1" from the path.
    Source should look like...
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    Then each user can use their own credential to login to MS account and query file(s).
    This is probably me being stupid , but when I'm trying to get the data from web and I insert the link attained the way you have stated, it throws me an error saying " Details: "The input URL is invalid. Please provide a URL to the file path on SharePoint up to the file name only (with no query or fragment part)."" again I'm probably being stupid

  10. #10
    Forum Expert CK76's Avatar
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    Re: Excel & Sharepoint - feeding data from 3 workbooks to one master

    Please don't quote entire post
    Just the relevant part is better. Quoting entire post just creates clatter.

    First, open file in SharePoint. Go to edit in Excel. Once it's open. You can go to File - > Info.

    Click on OneDrive/SharePoint - path that just above "Protect Workbook". Copy to clipboard and paste to editor. Remove anything that appears after file name (usually "?web=1").

    Then use basic mode in web query and paste in the path. It will automatically prompt you to login to MS account if you haven't already.

  11. #11
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    Re: Excel & Sharepoint - feeding data from 3 workbooks to one master

    My apologies for that quoting,

    I've re done this, appears I was missing the ? before Web=1,

    I think I have managed to get it to work, just need to get someone to test for me.

    I will update with results.
    Thanks in advance


    Had somebody test the file and it has worked once signing in via Sharepoint! Thank you very much
    Last edited by N3CREN; 06-07-2018 at 10:11 AM.

  12. #12
    Banned User!
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    Re: Excel & Sharepoint - feeding data from 3 workbooks to one master

    If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED. Thanks.

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