Good morning

I try to search at Google but I really didn't know how to search, even if it was possible to make it.

My chief asks me to create a form shows onto a web page that people can write or answer things she asks. But the web page is only locally (not server connection even localhost) and the data must be stored and created with Excel. We use it through a unit shared between all team workers.

I really know if it was possible to fo or even if it's more easy to a user form and share it. I'm barely new to Excel shared use, I make a lot of user forms to search ... but always locally not for share.

Is possible any of this two options and If It is what the two are the best ¿? Or even, if there is another solution that I didn't Know

I am very grateful for any indication os keyword to search in google and learn or with any proposal.

NOTE: If this is a question for VBA Excel forum please transfer to that subforum ...

Thanks for your time