I am a New Member, so I would firstly like to say Hi to everyone ...
HELP !! I have a list of mixed and reoccurring employees names in a rota list, they are all entered in one ROW E being E9:E194 ...
In ROW 'B' B9:B194, I have set it so it show me if I have any duplicates, so in this ROW B it gives me the result of: no duplicates & duplicates ...
What I am actually trying to do, is to have so that in a single cell lets say E1, that it returns a result by way of adding up and subtracting 'no duplicates & duplicates' show me the result by way of a number? ...
* I hope I am explaining myself correctly ?
Example: Lets say it works out that we have a total of 95 mixed and reoccurring employees names, and the total is 45 'no duplicates' & 40 'duplicates', I wont the Total to show in Cell E as 45 ...
What a complete mess I am making of explaining myself, hopefully we have one of our team of members who can understand my "GodbleDeGoupe" and help me ?
I can email my sheet to you if it would help with me explanation should you require it ...
Thank you so much, even if all you can do is read this ...
Kind regards, Alf