Hello AK20 and Welcome to Excel Forum.
It seems to me that the comparisons are supposed to change as the name in cell A1 changes. The existing formula doesn't allow for that as all stat comparisons are locked to those of Richard Sherman (CB! row 2) as in: ...IF(CBs!F2>(CBs!$F$2+2),"N/A"...
It would seem that in fact all the comparisons should be to the CB whose name appears in cell A1 as in: ...IF(CBs!F2<INDEX(CBs!F$2:F$484,MATCH(A$1,CBs!B$2:B$484,0))-2,"N/A"...
In the attached file the formula that populates column A of the CB Comparison sheet has been modified so that all comparisons are to the stats of the CB whose name is in cell A1.
Let us know if you have any questions.