Here is a method involving some basic VBA which I have tested successfully
- create a workbook of SenderDetails (demo attached)
- use VBA (in word document also attached) to open that workbook
- VBA looks for match to the current user's windows UserName
- relevant values returned
- bookmarks placed in document to mark text insertion points
Screenpic below of my values auto-entered at the 3 bookmarks
To test
- save both files to the same folder
- open the Excel file and add a row with your details
- use Application.UseName to get your exact username
- column A must match exactly otherwise you get nothing
- save workbook and close Excel
- open the Word document
- {ALT}{F8} returns list of macros
- run AddData
- the body text of the word document now includes your details (there's confidence for you!)
- it should be that simple (??)
- be careful not to remove the bookmarks while you delete data when testing
- If you accidentally delete bookmarks add them again with names BM1,BM2,BM3 to match the code
Let me know how you get on 
Both procedures are in the same standard module of the word file
Dim usrName As String, Sender As String, Mail As String, Job As String, Signature As String
Dim fPath As String, r As Long
Dim doc As Document
Sub AddData()
Set doc = ActiveDocument
Call GetValuesFromExcel
With doc
.Bookmarks("BM1").Range.Text = Sender
.Bookmarks("BM2").Range.Text = Sender
.Bookmarks("BM3").Range.Text = Signature
End With
End Sub
Private Sub GetValuesFromExcel()
'add reference to Excel Object library
r = 0
fPath = ThisDocument.Path
usrName = Application.UserName
Set xl = New Excel.Application
Set wb = xl.Workbooks.Open(fPath & "\" & "SenderLookup.xlsx")
xl.Visible = True
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Senders")
On Error Resume Next
r = xl.WorksheetFunction.Match(usrName, ws.Range("A:A"), 0)
Sender = ws.Cells(r, 2)
Job = ws.Cells(r, 3)
Mail = ws.Cells(r, 4)
Signature = Sender & vbCr & Job & vbCr & Mail
wb.Close False
If r = 0 Then MsgBox "Name Match Not Found"
End Sub