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Lookup issue and multiple tables in one sheet

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mollybop Lookup issue and multiple... 04-01-2018, 02:34 AM
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    Lookup issue and multiple tables in one sheet

    Oh hello there,

    I have been working with a few different versions of this scheduling file and had been using one big table and now Im trying multiple tables per class. It's two different terms' schedules in one sheet "T1 T4" so I can see any scheduling conflicts and a second sheet "Lessons" with multiple tables, one per discipline. I have only been testing the first days morning block (B5:B9) before copying and pasting into the other blocks.

    Here's what Im wondering, I am trying to do a vlookup into the notes section, based on what was selected in the Lesson cell(b6) but it only works with the first Glamour and Fashion classes because its the first table (or at least I think thats the issue)i

    Is there a way to make the Instructor dropdown list and Room dropdown list flag a conflict or eliminate an option based on the selection from the same day/time block. For example, if you select "Ellen Ni" in Monday Morning for Term 1 it would eliminate her from the list for the Instructors list for Monday Morning Term4?

    Also, I know theres a way to simplify things by naming the tables, would that be helpful too?
    Ive attached the document, in case youre able to assist.
    I know just enough about excel to know its possible but not enough to know how.

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