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Copy Paste of precedent cell [B3] w/ formula cell [C5] (=$B$3) acts differently 2003vs2016

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    Copy Paste of precedent cell [B3] w/ formula cell [C5] (=$B$3) acts differently 2003vs2016

    In Excel 2003, copying
    B3 which contains 23 and C5 which contains =$B$3 and pasting seven rows down gave
    B10 which contains 23 and C12 which contains =$B$12
    In other words, when the precedent cell and the formula were copied at the same time, the new pair had the same spatial relationship as before, looking two up and one cell to the left

    In Excel 2016, the same copy and paste gives
    B3 which contains 23 and C5 which contains =$B$3 and pasting seven rows down gave
    B10 which contains 23 and C12 which contains =$B$3
    In this case the pasted formula ignores the cell two up and one to the left, and instead looks nine rows up and one to the left.

    Microsoft thought they were solving a flaw, but I had found it very useful in transferring things as a group without having to redefine the spatial relationship. How can I emulate the behavior from Excel 2003 in Excel 2016???
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