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Don't Understand vLookup reference

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Diane Hogue Don't Understand vLookup... 03-13-2018, 05:43 PM
63falcondude Re: Don't Understand vLookup... 03-13-2018, 06:00 PM
shg Re: Don't Understand vLookup... 03-13-2018, 06:00 PM
MrShorty Re: Don't Understand vLookup... 03-13-2018, 06:04 PM
  1. #1
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    Don't Understand vLookup reference

    I've attached a sample worksheet from a free online tutorial. The exercise was how to use IFERROR and VLOOKUP together. I understand the concept, BUT I don't understand how THIS spreadsheet works. I wanted to reach out to the person who created the spreadsheet and posted it, but I cannot find contact information for him anywhere.

    I absolutely cannot figure out how one of cell references works in this spreadsheet. I keep thinking that the two tables have to be linked in some way. But, I've tried looking at the formats and cannot see any indication of how they are linked. If they are NOT linked, I don't have any idea how the cell reference works in this scenario.

    If someone has time, could you take a look at the attached spreadsheet? I've made some notes on it. It is too convoluted to explain it in the body of this email.

    Oh, and I'm using Excel 2016, if that makes any difference to anyone.

    Thanks, Diane
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Forum Expert 63falcondude's Avatar
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    Re: Don't Understand vLookup reference

    The VLOOKUP function is structured like this: VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])

    Let's take the formula in J10 for example. =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($J$9,$B$3:$E$32,H10,FALSE),"")

    This formula is looking for "Teague" in column B and returning the value in the same row of the 2nd column of the range B3:E32.
    The 2nd column in columns B:E is C so the VLOOKUP is returning the value in column C that is in the same row as "Teague" in column B.

    The reason why the VLOOKUP function is looking into the 2nd column is because H10 = 2.

    That being said, there is a way to do this without using the numbers in column H.
    If you are interested, we can show you how to reference the actual header names using an INDEX MATCH MATCH formula.

    Note that the formulas in K10:K13 are not the same as the formulas that are in J10:J13.
    Instead of surrounding the formulas with quotes, you could have used the FORMULATEXT function ( K10 =FORMULATEXT(J10) ) since you have Excel 2016.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: Don't Understand vLookup reference

    I don't understand how the H1, H2, H3, H4 reference works in this particular scenario. I would have thought we would match on the actual name of the column (ex: City, Adult Population). I don't know if this other little section is a pivot table, table, linked table, or what. I can't tell HOW the 1-4 were generated.
    The formula could be rewritten to match in the fashion you describe. In this case, the numbers in col H were manually entered by matching the description in col I with the column number in the table, which would break if a column were inserted in the body of the table.

    You could instead use, in H2

    =MATCH(I3, $B$2:$F$2, 0)

    ... and copy down.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Don't Understand vLookup reference

    It might help to review the help file for the VLOOKUP() function: https://support.office.com/en-us/art...8-93a18ad188a1

    The 3rd argument (the one pointing to the numbers in column H) tells VLOOKUP() which column in the lookup table to get the return value from. It sounds like you understand that. However, when you get the empty string value from the IFERROR() part of the formula, that tells you that VLOOKUP() is returning an error. As explained in the "common problems" section
    Quote Originally Posted by Excel help
    If col_index_num is greater than the number of columns in table-array, you'll get the #REF! error value.
    . Your "table array" is only referring to B:E, and does not include the "test" column in column F. When you ask VLOOKUP() to return the value in the 5th column from a 4 column wide range, VLOOKUP() throws up its hands and says that it can't do that.

    What you are trying to do should work just fine, if you will expand the lookup_table reference to include column F.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

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