Sample Counting sheet.xlsx
(Sample sheet attached, and I have thus modified the text below to apply to this attachment.)
The concept I describe below seems like it should be possible...
So, I start with Sheet1 with a table of data in cells A2:J21. Row 1 is just headers, so my data is 10 columns * 20 rows of data.
In column E ("Owners") of that sheet, I have the names of 2 "owners" (Peter, Fred) distributed across the 20 rows, 10 rows for each owner.
I'm not allowed to modify Sheet1... so, I then go to Sheet2, which I am representing on the right side of my attached sample sheet...
In the first column of Sheet2, I start with that same list of names (Peter, Fred).
What I want in the second column of Sheet 2 is a count of all non-blank cells for all rows belonging to each person. For example, Peter has 7 blank cells distributed across his rows in Sheet 1, so I would want Peter's count to = ((10 columns * 10 Peter rows) - (7 blanks in Peter's rows)) = (100 - 7) = 93. And if Fred has 6 blanks in his 10 rows, I want his count value in Sheet 2 to = 94.
Is there one formula I can use in Sheet 2 that references their Name (sheet 2, first column) to do this kind of cell-counting from Sheet 1?