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Proper Actual versus Projection Data Layout

  1. #1
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    Question Proper Actual versus Projection Data Layout

    I need to combine projected information and actual performance into one unified spreadsheet that can be used to analyze part's and customer's performance.

    I was wondering if people could provide me tips on how to format my data to do this as efficiently as possible. I have two sources of data: 20 years of projection Excel worksheets and 20 years of Gross Margin Excel reports. Because there are so many, laid out in different formats (thanks previous employees), I have to clean and combine the data.

    I am familiar with pivot tables, index/match, and vlookups, but I know there are better ways to analyze all of this, and I want to get it right at the outset.

    As shown in the picture below, information from the Projection Spreadsheets includes:
    -Year (of projection), Part #, Division, Year of Original Sale, Customer Name, Projected Qty, Projected Revenue

    Actual Gross Margin Spreadsheet includes:
    -Year (of sales), Part #, Division, Customer Name, Qty Sold, Revenue, Actual Cost, Actual GM $, Actual GM %


    Part Sales are only projected out for 5 years, so that means I will have 5 "Projection" rows for each part #, and up to 20 more "Actual" rows for every year that part # had sales. Plus, there are thousands of parts, so that means hundreds of thousands of rows. So you can see why I want to get this formatted right in the first place.

    The information people want from this report is:
    -What parts failed to launch (where projected sales was way higher than actual sales)
    -What parts went obsolete quickly (projected five years of sales, only sold for one year)
    -Analyze what customers tend to over-estimate how much they will buy

    Should I split the data into two tables? Keep going as is? Or am I entirely on the wrong track?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  2. #2
    Forum Expert ben_hensel's Avatar
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    Re: Proper Actual versus Projection Data Layout

    Building a report is the work of a day, or maybe a week.

    Laying out a table is the work of a day, max. It might be spread across a while because you work on it and come back, but in the end, it's like 8 hours of work.

    But filling in your table? That's the part that happens over thousands of hours spread across twenty years.

    So in my view, laying out the data in a way that's robust and easy to use is the critical part. If your data is set up well, then slapping a new report on top of it is easy. Adding new data is pretty straightforward and intuitive. But if it is not set up well... well.

    So I think you'd be well served to follow the classic rules of building tables. This is more like an SQL or Access question, but it applies a lot to Excel as well.

    I think generally you're on the right track. Rather than trying to anticipate what everyone will need to do, just make your table good and useful.

    Broadly speaking, a table has:
    1) Headers across the first row, naming what's in each column
    2) One Object / entity per row
    3) One piece of data in each cell, that is a property of that Object

    The critical thing is deciding what each "Object" is. Is it the part #?
    Usually each Object should have a unique Key that is data value that is one-and-only-one, where there is one Key per Object, and it never has another Key, and no other Object has the same Key. If you have a data value per Object that is already like that, it's usually a good bet to use that.

    Every column should have the same type of data. Whether it's a date/time, an integer, a text description, a Boolean, whatever; everything in the column should be the same type of data for each Object.

    Generally speaking, the table should record only data records; try to avoid sticking "helper columns" in that transform and process data. If you want something really robust, your data should flow like:
    Records Table => Processing Table => Report
    (That's where having unique one-and-only-one Keys on your data records helps; it makes lookups really easy to implement, because they're a chicken-and-an-egg relationship; lookup functions were written assuming your data has unique Keys, so pulling data into your Processing Table becomes a trivially easy activity).

    Once set up, the "design" of the Records Table should be frozen; adding new record rows is something anybody can do, removing old records is something to double-check, and adding/removing columns requires a boring 30-minute review meeting. That kind of logic.

    Then people can pull the Records Table (using an External Data Link, say?) to set up their own Processing Tables to create whatever the hell kind of report they want.
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  3. #3
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    Question Re: Proper Actual versus Projection Data Layout

    That's a lot of helpful information, thanks!

    Since part#s will repeat, then I am assuming the "Key" can be anything as long as it doesn't repeat? (So start at 1 and go up for each Object??)

    Can you give me a bit more information on how key's can be used to build reports? Once I have a useful and robust table, how can I build a report for the issues listed above?

  4. #4
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Proper Actual versus Projection Data Layout

    I am going to suggest starting by making a small sample table, using Ben's instructions about setting up records. The table should have just enough data that you could:
    1) Identify a part that failed to launch and one that didn't,
    2) A part that went obsolete quickly and one that didn't
    3) A customer that over-estimates how much they will buy and one that didn't
    Then use that data to populate a basic report that answers the three questions from post #1, if not by way of formulas/pivot tables then manually so that we can at get an idea of how you envision the final product will look. If you hit a wall then upload the file, as opposed to just a screen shot.
    To upload a file click on the GO ADVANCED button below the Quick Reply window and then scroll down to Manage Attachments to open the upload window.
    Let us know if you have any questions.
    Consider taking the time to add to the reputation of everybody that has taken the time to respond to your query.

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