Not sure if the "General" post is the correct one, but here goes.
1) I need to create a dropdown list that will call (But not switch to) a data range consisting of pictures/Text Boxes and merged cells from one worksheet and display this information on the current active sheet within the exact same range on the current sheet. In addition, I need this range to disappear and be replaced by the same range of data from the newly selcted page from dropdown list.
I will upload an example, but wish to provide a little more detail.
1) i will have a list of items listed on left side of screen, each item will be a separate dropdown list.
2) Across the top of the work sheet will be a name of the workbook along with some pictures.
Both #1 & # 2 will stay the same as i intend for this to be the only page the user has access to.
3) in the center of the screen is a boxed area that covers for example cells C9:z52. every worksheet will have a combination of pictures/Textboxes/Merged Cells within this same boxed range.
its this boxed "Range that i want to be displayed on the main screen in the same cell locations when called from the list boxes. I don't want to switch to these worksheets when they are selected, just have the data displayed on main screen. In addition, once a new selection is made from the list boxes, the current information in the boxed area should diappear and be replaced with newly select data.
Hope this made sense
P.S. I am trying to attach an example worksheet, but when i click on the attachment link above, its not opening a navigation window for me to get to my attachment