After my last post a couple of days ago and talking with one of the experts on here, I thought I could figure this one out.
I have a number line 0-9 in top row H1 through Q1
Then I have a set of 3 digit numbers G6 through G65 (These numbers will continue)
Also these numbers are pulled from date in column A and numbers from Column D
Below the number line in row 24 you will see 1 1 3 3 0 3 1 4 2 3
these numbers represent how many times each of the last 7, 3 digit numbers in column G appear.
I have this formula in place for that row =SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(H$1,MID($G6:$G24,{1,2,3},1)))
The problem is where column G does not go row after row every time, but sometimes it does for 1 row, it will not calculate the rest of the rows for me.
You can see an example in row 25 under Columns H1 through Q1, it tries to look at G7 for next number instead of G9 through G25
Thanks for the help,