I am a production manager for a company that is pretty behind the times when it comes to spreadsheets. We have a daily production log with a pace calculator that only works for the first 3 rows and then the formula doesn't work because it doesn't take into account all of the calculations above it (just the 2 totals above it) I need to calculate the pace per hour on a regular basis and have been trying to fix the chart but haven't used formulas in excel since university in 1997. Please help. The way my chart is laid out is as follows...
Time of day, Number of production hours, Product size 1, size 2, size 3, size 4, size 5, size 6, total product, current production pace

The product is all the same thing but graded by size and I need to be able to punch in our current totals and get the current pace per hour. Please help!!! Thanks in advance.