Hi I am trying to put multiple timers in an Excel sheet can anyone offer advice on the best way to do this.
Hi I am trying to put multiple timers in an Excel sheet can anyone offer advice on the best way to do this.
If the timers are to be set in whole seconds or better in minutes you could use OnTime event handler
You will find whole bunch of samples on this forum.
Best Regards,
If the above general suggestion (as the question was also quite vague) is not enough:
will you please attach a SMALL sample Excel workbook(s) (10-20 rows of data is usually enough)? Please don't attach a picture of one (no-one will want to re-type all your stuff before starting).
1. Make sure that your sample data are truly REPRESENTATIVE of your real data. (If trere are typical cases like: all unique values/duplicates could occur, day/night, nobody present/several persons at once, before/on/past due, etc. - please show them all or at least indicate in text) The use of unrepresentative data is very frustrating and can lead to long delays in reaching a solution.
2. Make sure that your desired solution(s) is/are also shown (mock up the results manually).
3. Make sure that all confidential/restricted information (either personal or business) like real e-mails, social security numbers, bank accounts, etc. is removed first!!
To attach an Excel file you have to do the following: Just before posting, scroll down and press Go Advanced button and then scroll down and press Manage Attachments link. Now follow the instructions at the top of that pop-up screen.
In your case: show also how many timers you plan, how do you plan to start, stop, pause, reset them, and probably: what will be the workbook used for in real life :-)
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