Sup guys. I have a big problem. I received few exercises to do, to learn Excel enough to be productive. I tried to figure it out by myself, and done a little.
First things first. There's main sheet, called Faktury, that has all the data. It looks like this.
(Names are in polish, sorry for making it hard %))
Now, the exercises. First, I wrapped main sheet with table, so all the changes will auto-complete in whole columns.
1.I had to export year and month from "Data" column, and fill them in columns "Rok" and "Miesiąc"(which are year and month, in polish), colored blue. I've used formula =YEAR(cell) and =MONTH(cell). Not sure if done properly, but it works. It had to be in digits, as my boss have written.
2.As you can see on first picture, there's "Produkt" column. I had to take sums of "Wartość_PLN" for every "Produkt". As you can see, I've done it also, with =SUMIF, but doing it separately, for every line. Not sure if it's done how it's supposed to, but it works :P
3.Here's problem. In main picture, there's column called "Odbiorca". Here, I have to group every field from that, and sum "Wartosc_PLN". Could do it manually, but there's 68 groups in "Odbiorca", so I guess there's better way or something. It has to look like this. So, in first field there's "Odbiorca_X", and next to it, sum of it's "Wartosc_PLN" field.
4.Pretty much as previous one but little bit more complex. If you'll explain me how to do previous one, I'll do it, pretty much I guess. Anyways, I have to do a table, that will look like a pivot-table, but won't be a pivot table I guess. Inside left column, there are groups from "GrupaOdbiorcy" column, and at the top line, there are months. All of it, are sums of "Wartosc_PLN" for every month. Calculations are pretty much doable for me. The point is, how to insert this columns with data.
And at the end, HUUUUGE thanks to everyone who's willing to help.
Also, there's final question. Which materials should I go through, online courses or something, to be ready to solve exercises and assignments like this :P
Thanks a lot, one more time :P