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Percentage of on time customers in a list by the hour

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Percentage of on time customers in a list by the hour

    Hello everyone,

    I need to make a chart listing customer collections by the hour.

    Column A would have varying amounts of customers each day.

    Column B would have their booked collection times.

    Column C would be used for the phrase "on time" to be entered if the collection is on time.

    Column D would have a list of times e.g 09:00-10:00hrs, 10:00hrs-11:00hrs and so on.

    Column E would need a formula to show percentage of "on time" collections by the hour relevant to the times in column D.

    Hope some one can point me in the right direction please.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Percentage of on time customers in a list by the hour

    how would we know if the collection time says 11:00 and does not say "on time"
    what slot that should have been in to work out the % of all collections booked

    for example
    if they where due to collect between 9 and 10 and turned up at 11:00 that would NOT have on time
    if we know it was due to be collected between 9 and 10 - we can then use %
    Total ONTIME which time between 9 and 10 / total of Ontime and NOt ONTIME for the timeslot of 9 to 10
    but from your list , unless the BOOKED is the time and you do not record the actual collection time

    countifs( B1:B1000 , ">="&TIMEVALUE("09:00"), B1:B1000, "<="&TIMEVALUE("10:00"))

    That will give the total number of booked times between 9 and 10 ( although you need to decide which time you want to include for =
    countifs( B1:B1000 , ">="&TIMEVALUE("09:00"), B1:B1000, "<="&TIMEVALUE("10:00"),C1:c1000, "On Time")

    Now you can just divide to get a %

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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Percentage of on time customers in a list by the hour

    Thank you Wayne, exactly what I was looking for.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Percentage of on time customers in a list by the hour

    you are welcome

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