I have a cell 'A1' pointing to the value in another cell 'M1'---but no 'M1' location exists in any sheet in my workbook!
I have a cell 'A1' pointing to the value in another cell 'M1'---but no 'M1' location exists in any sheet in my workbook!
there will be a column M and a row 1
so the cell exists - BUT maybe not used in your layout
very difficult for us to know what the spreadsheet is trying to achieve with out a sample and a detailed explanation
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Check to see if you have hidden columns and row. If you see a column alpha skipping order (J, K, L, N) then M is hidden. Same with rows. If you start at anything past 1 it may be hidden or the panes may be frozen to show them. There has to be a column M and row 1. It's either hidden or the view is frozen to not let you see them. You can unhide or unfreeze the pane.
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