I am not sure how to input the equation into the graph without having data points.
You are thinking of some other kind of charting program. When you want to create a chart in a spreadsheet, you compute the individual data points, and then chart those data points. If you don't want to compute individual data points, then you need to look for a different charting application.
Most of the other questions will depend on exactly how automated you need this to be. When I do this kind of phase diagram, I tend not to automate everything into great big formulas. If I were doing something like water, my spreadsheet would look something like
Coefficient table -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E
solid -- Asolid -- B solid -- Csolid -- Dsolid -- Esolid
liquid -- Aliquid --etc.
vapor -- Avapor -- etc.
Main table
T, K -- H, J/g
250 -- formula for Hsolid
270 -- copy of formula for Hsolid
273.15 -- copy of formula for Hsolid
273.15 -- formula for Hliquid
290 -- copy of formula for Hliquid
310 -- copy of formula for Hliquid
etc. to boiling point
373.15 -- copy of formula for Hliquid
373.15 -- formula for Hvapor
and so on to T=473.15
I would use my heats of fusion and vaporization to get the correct E parameter for the respective H functions (remember that you need to get an antiderivative for the Cp function to get H. Excel does not do antiderivatives, so you will need to do this outside of Excel).
If you are stuck at the very beginning, I would suggest that you get your antiderivative function for H solid and fill in the parts of the table for Hsolid up to the melting point. You will then have H(ice) at 273.15. From your heat of fusion, you can compute H(water) at 273.15 and use that value to get E liquid. Continue down the table.