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Help with IF function

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  1. #1
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    Help with IF function

    Hi all,

    I am looking for code advice to get my workbook how I wish.

    About my workbook:
    I have a two page workbook. 1st sheet is titled "Sign Ups"
    Second is "Sponsors"

    Sign ups contains the following info
    A1 Company Name
    B1 Address
    C1 City
    D1 State
    E1 Zipcode
    F1 Sponsor (YES or blank for no)

    I am wanting to find a code that will take data from Sign Ups (1st sheet) and transfer to Sponsors (second sheet) if I type "YES" in the F1 Sponsor cell. I want not only F1 cell to transfer to the second sheet Sponsor but I want the entire row to transfer so I have all sponsor information on my second sheet Sponsors including Company name, address, city, state, zip, YES

    So I have the code:
    =IF(FIND("Y",'Sign Ups'!F1)<>0,'Sign Ups'!F1,"")
    Which pulls the YES over but I need it to be a range to pull A1:F1 over if YES is typed in F1 cell.

    I hope this is clear. Please help. Thank you!
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    Last edited by plantexploration; 07-20-2017 at 05:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert leelnich's Avatar
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    Re: Help with IF function

    Hi, welcome to Excel Forum! A small sample workbook (NOT a picture) would really help us to solve your problem quickly and accurately.
    Remove any sensitive or extraneous info, just show us what cells contain your data and formulae, what results you want, and where you want them.

    To attach a workbook:
    Click Edit Post (or just start a new reply.)
    Click Go Advanced
    Scroll down to Manage Attachments and click.
    Now just Browse for your file, then click Upload. Simple!

  3. #3
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    Re: Help with IF function

    I have updated my post with a sample workbook, thank you for the direction. As you can see in the sample work book, In Sign Ups the Row 2 is filled out and they are a sponsor indicated in F2. I wish to have the entire row of information transfer to 'Sponsors' sheet if F2 is selected "Y"

    With the header row 1, the best code I have come up with is:

    =IF(FIND("Y",'Sign Ups'!F2)<>0,'Sign Ups'!F2,"")

    But I need to include the f2 cell to include the entire range from A2:F2

    That way it will preload the information to the Sponsors tab and save me a lot of time. Then in the sponsor's tab I can then just enter the specifics for that sponsorship. Thank you.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert leelnich's Avatar
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    Re: Help with IF function

    Hi plantexploration, welcome to the forum! Paste this ARRAY FORMULA* in Sponsors!A2 and copy down:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
    =IFERROR(INDEX('Sign Ups'!A$2:A$15,MATCH(1,('Sign Ups'!$F$2:$F$15="Y")*(COUNTIF(Sponsors!A$1:A1,'Sign Ups'!A$2:A$15)=0),0)),"")
    Then paste this in B2 and copy across to F2 and down:
    Formula: copy to clipboard
    =IF(Sponsors!$A2="","",VLOOKUP(Sponsors!$A2,'Sign Ups'!$A$2:$F$15,COLUMNS(Sponsors!$A2:B2),FALSE))

    *Always press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to confirm entry after pasting or editing an ARRAY FORMULA in the Formula Bar.
    When copying the formula to other cells, make sure the copied cell is not part of the Paste Area.

    Please click the Add Reputation star below any helpful posts, and if you have your answer, mark your thread as SOLVED (Thread Tools up top). Thanks!-Lee
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    Last edited by leelnich; 07-20-2017 at 06:41 PM.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert leelnich's Avatar
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    Re: Help with IF function

    Post #4 Attached File and VLOOKUP formula updated to show blanks correctly.
    Thanks for the rep! If complete, please go to Thread Tools up top and mark your thread as SOLVED. Thanks!-Lee
    Last edited by leelnich; 07-20-2017 at 06:47 PM.

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