Hi 'Exc-all',
Since it is hard to explain my problem I attached a simplefied version of my file to this thread.
I have a sheet that is linked to another sheet.
In sheet 1, the unique combination of a persone, location and function is 1 row.
In sheet 2, other persons will fill in certain data that is corresponding with this combination 'person, location and function' together with a category.
All works fine, but when I add or delete a person from sheet 1, then all the 'Person, location, function' information will move upward, but the hard data will not move. So I will get faults in my data.
I really hope someone can provide in a golden tip/idea to solve this problem.
FYI, I gave every combination 'person, location and function' a unique number (which I use also for other formulas and is recognizable by the yellow cell on top of the column). And I was thinking, if I can link the category information to this unique number, then it doesn't matter what is changing on sheet 1, 'cause then the data on sheet 2 will Always jump together with the movements of sheet 1 (and thus will be correct).