Hi all,
I was hoping someone could assist me in finding a smart way to describe/organize financial data in tabular format, i.e. in Excel. In fact, I already have something set up, but I'm wondering if there can be smarter ways to do this? Since one might get tunnel vision working alone, I was hoping I could gain some new perspectives from you guys.
I'm attaching a chart of a day trading session in the S&P 500 index starting at 15:30 and ending at 22:00 (6 1/2 hours). Actually, my times are in Europe, so in the U.S., it would be 09:30 to 16:00.
As you can see on the picture, the main moves on this day are:
1. + 9,25 points UP right from the market open at time 15:31
2. - 10,50 points DOWN starting at time 16:02
3. + 10,50 points UP starting at time 17:17
4. - 6,50 points DOWN starting at time 20:56 and ending at the market close time 22:00
Now, my desire is to be able to describe this entire day session in a smart way that I can easily perceive and read in a database (Excel). The way I have it set up now is as one row per each day. I have 100s of days. Ideally, I can set things up such that I can easily find similar days through sorting my data.
The logical way for me to perceive this data is to consider the day session as made up of swings such as I've annotated that chart, but there might be smarter ways. I don't know...
I could attach my personal mock-up right away, but maybe it's better to keep it unbiased for now and I'll post it a little later.
It would be great if anyone had any input on this! If not, I understand, but figured I could ask just in case there are some creative minds here that feel like sharing some thoughts on this.![]()
Thanks in advance!