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Conditional Formatting for days of the week

  1. #1
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    Conditional Formatting for days of the week

    Hello I want to format a row color based on the day of the week,the date doesnt matter just the day of the week what formula would I use in this scenario? Thanks

    Example: Monday = blue, tuesday = green, wednesday = yellow, thursday = purple, friday = orange etc

  2. #2
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    Re: Conditional Formatting for days of the week

    With the WEEKDAY function, which returns a number between 1 and 7, you should be able to do it

  3. #3
    Forum Expert 63falcondude's Avatar
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    Re: Conditional Formatting for days of the week

    Hello, welcome to the forum.

    You will have to create one Conditional Formatting rule for each color. Is the day of the week entered (e.g. "Monday") or a date (e.g. 6/19/2017)?

    If a date is entered, consider using WEEKDAY as Jdevil suggested. If you need more specific assistance, consider uploading a sample worksheet along with the desired results of the Conditional Formatting.

  4. #4
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    Re: Conditional Formatting for days of the week

    Highlight your rows the Format>>Conditional Format>>Formula is
    =(WEEKDAY($A1)=1) choose the color format, and repeat it until 5, changing the color as you want.

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